Are Beagles Good Family Dogs? 8 Things To Consider

Beagles are great family dogs, in general. They are friendly and docile, and energetic and hardy but not restless. Beagles are very healthy pets, and they are not prone to separation anxiety. Keep in mind that beagles are very difficult to train. They are not good off-leash dogs due to being easily distracted and prone to getting lost.

Of course, it is important to consider what matters the most for your household in particular when choosing a family pet. Some characteristics are likely to be important for most families.

What Makes a Good Family Dog?

It varies from household to household but families with children typically look for several characteristics in a family pet:

  • Easy to train
  • Matches the family’s activity level
  • No behavioral issues, such as barking, nipping, or guarding resources
  • Patient and gentle with children
  • Friendly with strangers and pets
  • Not too needy for attention and can tolerate being alone

Beagle As a Family Dog: 8 Things to Consider

1. Hard to train

Beagles are among the breeds known for their extremely strong instincts. For beagles, in particular, it is the instinct to track small animals – using their exceptional sense of smell – that defines these dogs. The trait makes them excellent hunting companions and explosive and drug-detection animals but does not help the breed’s learning capacity.

Strong instincts are often associated with low obedience scores and low working intelligence.

Beagles rank very poorly in working intelligence, according to renowned canine psychologist Stanley Coren. In comparison to about 120 other breeds, beagles are at the very bottom: only 7 breeds score lower in working intelligence than beagles.

In practical terms, the following might be true of your prospective pet beagle:

  • It could take 30-40 training sessions for the dog to have an inkling of what is even happening when a new skill or command is being taught.
  • Progress these dogs make is often unreliable, and the skill/knowledge may be completely erased without regular practice, even when the skills seem to be solid
  • Even when a dog learns a command, he or she might be slow to respond, unsteady, easily distracted, unable to follow commands outdoors or in an unfamiliar situation
  • These pups often ignore the first time you state a command, so you have to repeat it
  • A professional or at least skilled and patient trainer is key to success
  • Beagles need to be on a leash, they are known to run away and become lost easily.

2. Friendly, Not Prone to Aggression

Despite being challenging to train, beagles are amiable pets. They are not prone to aggression and any behavioral concerns are likely to be benign, which makes beagles good apartment dogs, and good with cats, too.

Overall, your beagle will probably have a friendly disposition towards all household members and any strangers in the house. Your beagle is likely to get along with household pets and any dogs you encounter outside.

It is important to remember that these dogs are still hounds, so they have a strong hunting instinct, so expect to have to manage some behaviors that are typical for sporty hunting dogs.

3. Prone to Barking and Chasing

Due to their exceptional sense of smell and hunting instincts – and their limited learning capacity – beagles become easily distracted outdoors. If your pup notices a small animal in the bushes, the dog’s curiosity and the urge to chase will be strong. The dog is likely to ignore your commands and, unfortunately, this common trait makes beagles very prone to running away and getting lost.

Beagles are infamous for becoming easily distracted and lost outside. Unless you are in a very safe, enclosed area, a beagle usually needs to be leashed for the dog’s safety.

Many beagles are vocal, and it is hard for these dogs to give up the barking habit with training. It is a very common trait – many dogs love barking! It is just something to consider if you have young children in the household, or if you live in a compact apartment, near neighbors.

4. Patient, Sweet with All Family Members

Despite their modest at the best ability to learn commands and skills, beagles are known for their friendly disposition, patience, and a characteristic lack of aggressive tendencies. In other words, there are rarely any core issues for which these dogs need to go through any serious, structured training.

Beagles are sociable around strangers, and they are sweet and loving with all members of their own families. Beagles are lovely dogs for families with children, including young children. However, as always, the interactions between dogs and young kids do need to be under supervision at all times, for everyone’s comfort and safety.

5. Beagles Get Along with Other Pets

You can generally count on a beagle to be civil with other dogs in the dog park and with other pets in your household. Beagles do well with other household dogs and cats, too, especially if they are raised together from a young age.

There could be a problem with bunnies, guinea pigs, and hamsters – due to their hunting instincts, beagles can view small animals as prey and could chase them relentlessly. However, if your beagle meets the other pet as a puppy, the dog usually learns to accept the animal just fine.

6. Beagles Are Quite Independent

Independence is a very important trait for dogs for a couple of reasons.

Your beagle is likely to do well with several hours of separation daily. So, when you are at work or all household members are occupied in general, your dog will be fine and not suffer from separation anxiety. Of course, every dog is an individual, so there is variation within the breed. As a rule, however, beagles, are less prone to separation anxiety than other dogs of friendly and sociable breeds.

If your family has young children, you may not be able to give your beloved canine friend very much time and attention. So, it is important to have a dog that will not become frustrated and impatient easily. Your beagle will do great with regular walks that are not very long and exciting and will be happy to enjoy his or her home even if a human family member is not providing constant attention.

7. Energetic, Active but Not Demanding

Beagles are sporty, healthy, buoyant dogs. A typical beagle is always happy to partake in a game, hike, or pretty much any activity a family enjoys.

At the same time, unlike some very smart breeds, like border collies or Shelties, a beagle does not become restless when there is not enough stimulation for the brain. They also do not mind having an idle day now and then. A beagle still needs a couple of walks a day but intensity and variety are not that important for these dogs.

Beagles are quite hardy when it comes to being outdoors in hot weather, which is important if you live in an area with hot summers.

As a breed, beagles are undeniably energetic animals, so you should plan to provide opportunities for exercise to your dog. Keep your beagle on a leash, unless you are certain you can keep an eye on the dog at all times.

8. Beagles Are a Healthy Breed

Beagles are a very healthy breed of dog.

  • Beagles are predisposed to epilepsy, this disorder is more common for this breed than most other breeds. The onset is usually between 2 and 4 years old.

Like many other breeds, many Beagles develop hip dysplasia, obesity, hypothyroidism, and ear infections. These conditions are not specific to the breed and are more likely to develop as the dog gets older.

For several reasons, this is a very important aspect of pet care for so many families. Dealing with the illness of a beloved family pet is traumatic for any caring parent, it is especially hard for children. Although it is a risk we accept whenever we welcome a dog into our home, it is good to know that the dog is not genetically predisposed to a lot of health problems.

The financial aspect is also important – care for your beagle’s health is not usually expensive. Pet health insurance is relatively affordable for these dogs, too, given their good health as a breed.

To Conclude

Beagles are great companions for kids and families in general.

They are sweet and easy to please, friendly, and not picky when it comes to activities. Some owners of beagles consider these pups virtually impossible to train, and it is a concern for some households. It becomes an issue if you’d like to take your dog on hikes or busy beaches where they could become distracted and lost easily.

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