Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Good With Kids?

If you are looking for a large, intelligent, and loving family dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog could be a wonderful choice.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are fabulous pets for families with children. Berners are patient, responsive to training, and friendly with other animals and strangers. These dogs are energetic and playful. Berners are relatively expensive to maintain and can be prone to numerous health issues, which is something a prospective dog owner should consider before welcoming a Berner into the household.

There is the right pet out there for every family but it is wise to consider if the lifestyle of your household is the right match for the dog’s characteristics and needs.

Traits To Consider When Choosing A Family Pet

  • Intelligence and responsiveness to training: the dog needs to be bright enough to learn the essential commands for the safety of the dog and those around her.
  • Reactivity: most households with children get chaotic and noisy at times. Children are not always respectful of the personal space of household pets. Your dog should be able to tolerate the typical level of activity and noise in the house without experiencing any distress.
  • Temperament: most children love petting and cuddling with their dogs. A dog that is very independent by breed might not like that. The child and the dog should enjoy each other’s company.
  • Behavior around strangers: some breeds are hyper-vigilant around strangers. It is not ideal, assuming your pet will accompany your family outdoors and meet your child’s friends.
  • The energy level and exercise needs: your dog should enjoy whatever activity level your family expects from her. Of course, as the animal ages, your expectations need to be adjusted. On the other hand, the breed you are interested in should not require more exercise than your busy lifestyle can accommodate.
  • Overall health: some breeds are particularly susceptible to multiple health issues. It is important to keep this in mind because the illness of a beloved family pet is an incredibly stressful event for a child and the entire family. In addition, bills for veterinarian care could escalate to the thousands quickly, if your dog needs a lot of care.


1. Intelligent And Responsive To Training

Many owners of Berners comment on these dogs’ intelligence. Berners are not just bright, they are also eager to please the owner, which is one of the reasons Berners respond well to training.

Bernese Mountain Dogs score well in all categories of canine intelligence: instinctive, adaptive, and working. They are known for their work ethic and the ability to learn commands and tricks quickly. They are highly motivated by verbal praise.

The capacity to learn commands is extremely important for dogs who live with children. These pets can be trained to behave safely around kids, including those who are especially rowdy.

The one aspect of smart dogs that should come with a warning: they get easily bored when left alone for long periods. Berners in particular are usually well-behaved but it is a good idea to have plenty of toys and puzzles for them for the hours they have to spend at home alone.

2. Patient And Gentle

This is one of the most important characteristics that make Bernese Mountain Dogs such a great breed for children. Bernese Mountain Dogs are kind and patient to the core! They are sweet and loving in their interactions with kids.

Young children should never be left alone with a dog without any supervision, although Berners are probably one of the most trustworthy breeds. Of course, when kids are old enough to reason, it is important to teach them to be respectful of animals and their space.

3. High Energy

Bernese Mountain Dogs are cheerful, exuberant, and playful. Their energy level is surprisingly high for such large dogs.

Berners remain very puppy-like until they are about three years old. If you have very young kids, it is good to practice caution with any animal around them. Berners in particular can accidentally bump into a kid due to their charming clumsiness.

As they reach about three years of age, they settle down. These dogs usually remain active and adventurous even as they mature, and a Berner will always love to join the family on a hike or a walk.

4. Affectionate, Cuddly

Bernese Mountain Dogs are quintessential family dogs who love to cuddle and spend time with kids and adults.

Your dog will love snuggling with you and your kids and will probably consider being brushed a pleasant bonding activity. Berners’ fur is soft and pleasant to the touch, which makes these pups ideal snuggle buddies. Bernese Mountain Dogs also enjoy any opportunity to be silly and playful.

5. Protective Of The Family But Friendly And Sociable

Your kids will have a loyal friend by their side. Berners are among the breeds often referred to as “nanny dogs” and with good reason!

Bernese Mountain dogs are professional watchdogs, so to guard is in their instincts. They may bark to alert you that someone is at the door, they are watchful and protective but, at the same time, Berners as a breed do not usually have trouble behaving well around strangers.

One of the strengths of this breed is their friendliness and the ability to get along with passers-by, other dogs, and other animals. They are great dogs for families who have other pets or are considering adding more pets to their household. As well-behaved as these dogs are, they are very suitable for living in apartments.


Berners Need An Outlet For Their Energy

Bernese Mountain Dogs are still working animals at heart, and they need to get a good amount of exercise daily. Their moderate to high exercise needs are generally a positive attribute if you have children.

However, if you are a busy family, it could be hard to find time for long walks. If Bernese Mountain Dogs do not get enough physical activity, they get impatient and bored and could even engage in some destructive behaviors at home.

When Berners turn about three years old, they calm down significantly but daily moderate exercise will always be important for these pups.

Shedding And Grooming Needs

Berners do shed a lot. Spring and late summer are when shedding is particularly heavy but expect a moderate to high amount of dog fur around your house throughout the year.

These dogs do not need any elaborate grooming practices. Berners get a little smelly due to the quality of their fur but occasional baths are sufficient, and frequent brushing with a shedding comb is recommended. Their fur sheds in lumps, so it is easy to pick up. Berners love being brushed, and it could be a great bonding activity for kids and a fun chore for kids.

It could be tempting to shave your Berner’s coat at least for the summer but doing so is not appropriate. Bernese Mountain Dogs need their coats for protection from direct sunlight. Shaving changes the quality of the coat, too.

Bernese Mountain Dogs Are Prone To Health Issues

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a short life expectancy: 7-10 years is typical. They are susceptible to several health problems which is the case for many large-breed dogs.

The breed was developed from a relatively narrow gene pool, so genetic conditions are common. Therefore, it is crucial to only work with responsible breeders when you are planning to get a purebred Berner puppy. Berners are at risk for hip and elbow dysplasia, certain cancers, and blood disorders, as well as progressive retinal atrophy. Berners are also at risk for bloat, which is an acute and life-threatening gastrointestinal illness. 

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America recommends health screenings for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye examination, and cardiac evaluation.

Consider The Cost

Bernese Mountain Dogs are an expensive breed to purchase and own.

In the U.S. the cost of a puppy could vary from about 1000$ to 2500$ or so. The next most significant expense is usually the annual veterinarian bill you might get. Pet health insurance is more expensive for Berners than for many other breeds. At least in the U.S., this breed is among the 5 most expensive dog breeds to purchase insurance for.

As for food, they need good quality food and plenty of it. Feeding these lovelies can be expensive too but that is the case with most large canines.

Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Easy To Train? Bernese Mountain Dogs respond well to training. Berners have high working intelligence. They are adaptable and people-oriented. These dogs’ strong instincts make them hard-wired for some behaviors and they can be stubborn. Training them as puppies is ideal but a grown Berner will also learn quickly.

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Get Along With Cats? Bernese Mountain Dogs can get along with cats very well, although they may still be tempted to chase a neighbor’s cat occasionally and harmlessly. Berners are friendly, intelligent, and trainable. Those are the characteristics that make these dogs suitable for living with cats. If you plan to welcome the dog and the cat when they are still very young, there will probably be no issues. Introducing adult animals just takes a little more planning.

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