Are Corgis Good Off-Leash Dogs?

A typical Pembroke Welsh corgi does well off-leash, as long as the dog is socialized and trained appropriately. As dogs with a herding background, corgis are likely to chase or bark at fast-moving people and cars but they respond very well to consistent training, so behavioral issues can usually be addressed effectively


Prone To Chasing And Nipping

It is typical for many corgis to have a strong urge to behave as a true herding dog:

  • Your dog could be vigilant and have the urge to inspect a passer-by or check out a noise
  • Some herders attempt chasing a runner, a squirrel, or another fast-moving subject
  • Your dog could be quick to bark and growl

Easily Distractible

Being inquisitive and bright does come with a degree of restlessness in dogs. Your corgi could be easily drawn to all kinds of stimuli out of intellectual curiosity.

Being easily distractible is also very typical for herding dogs in general. They are curious and like to be in control of things.

Many Pembroke Welsh corgis do not respond to commands as well as they normally do if a lot is happening around them or they are at a distance from the owner. This aspect of a dog’s personality can become an issue if a precarious situation arises, so it is important to have at least one reliable command or another way to get the dog’s attention quickly.


Wanderlust is not specific to just Pembroke Welsh corgis or even the herding group in general. Dogs of various breeds can be prone to taking off, usually inadvertently, following an object of interest. So, allowing your dog to be off-leash in an area that is only as busy as your pet can tolerate is important.


Corgis Are Easy To Train

Thanks to the breed’s high intelligence, specifically working intelligence, Pembroke Welsh corgis usually excel at learning new skills and commands.

  • Your pet will pick up new commands quickly and retain them well over time.
  • Like any dog of any breed, corgis do benefit from repetition.
  • Positive reinforcement in the image of treats, as well as verbal praise and back rubs, will keep your corgi motivated and focused.

Owner Oriented

Pembroke Welsh corgis are very loyal to their owners and the approval of the human family is important for these dogs. These dogs are generally known for being people-oriented. Nice quality on its own, this characteristic is also helpful if you want to teach your pup a new skill, such as walking off-leash safely.


1. Consider The Loose Leash Test

A way to assess your Pembroke Welsh corgi’s readiness for venturing out off-leash is to note how well he/she can maintain her leash loose when out and about.

If your pet is calm and does not pull on the leash or get too excited, then he or she is probably ready for more freedom and could start practicing walking off-leash. If this is not the case and your corgi does pull a lot or manifests any other behaviors that make you concerned, it could be a good practice to first teach your Pembroke to stop pulling on the leash, and then opt for off-leash walking.

2. Teach Basic Commands

It is crucial for any dog who walks and hikes off-leash to be comfortable with at least some basic commands for her and others’ safety. As noted above, corgis are highly trainable and intelligent but they can be a little less responsive when you give them directions from a distance. That becomes relevant when you go hiking with your pet, for example.

Teach your dog basic commands, such as “stay”, “come”, “heel”, “leave it”, or any equivalents of those and other commands. As long as your dog understands them and responds to them reliably, that is what counts.

It is important to practice a variety of commands in different situations. See if your dog responds when you are at a distance or when there are some objects in locomotion around your. If you are outdoors and an unpredictable situation arises, your corgi will be calmer and safer if she is always able to obey your instructions.

3. Teach Your Dog To Look At You When Needed

There are many commands or ways of getting your pup to look at you when you think there is a necessity. Usually, if there is any danger or a situation that is precarious one way or another, having your dog focus her eyes on you is a good way to prevent trouble. For instance, if you see an approaching unfamiliar dog who appears to be too excited, it could be a good time to have your corgi direct her gaze at you.

4. Increase Complexity While Practicing

When it comes to loose leash walking, practicing commands, and behaving predictably in new situations, it is important to start practicing in a low-stress familiar environment. Then, depending on your dog’s comfort and behavior, increase complexity. If your pet seems calm and appropriately excited in dog parks, on a beach, or during a hike and she obeys your commands and stays nearby, she is probably ready to practice in less familiar areas or around multiple stimuli.

5. No Eating Random Items

This is a problem for many dogs: they simply cannot resist the urge to eat something they find and deem edible. To hike or run safely, especially off-leash, your corgi should master this skill for her safety.

6. No Off-Leash In Crowded Places

Most of the time walking a dog off-leash in crowded areas is not even an option due to public space rules and so on. If it is allowed, however, it is always better to keep your pup on a leash if the place is bustling with activity a little too much. Even an exceptionally well-trained, obedient, and confident animal could inadvertently become lost in a very crowded place. It is better to avoid taking risks.

7. Be Mindful Of Your Corgi’s Limitations

Even highly intelligent dogs – and most Pemrokes are very smart – could have some weaknesses. Note if your pet is reactive to something in particular. If so, do some focused training but it could be warranted to avoid the particular stimuli or keep your pup on the leash in situations when she might be vulnerable. If your dog cannot help but eat random things outdoors, for instance, only let her be off-leash in familiar areas where harmful substances are unlikely.

Related Questions

How To Stop My Dog From Pulling On The Leash? Among the common causes of this behavior is excitement, the urge to chase or move quickly, anxiety, or a reaction to particular stimuli. There are general recommendations and specific tactics to address the urge to pull. It is important to avoid responding impulsively and negatively. Jerking on the leash can be counterproductive, and it is best to rely on positive reinforcement. Consider using the “stop-and-go” method, as well as muzzle control, and it is best to do any training in familiar stress-free environments first.

Can Corgis Go On Hikes? A healthy corgi aged 1 through 7 years typically tolerates an easy to moderate hike very well. Pick a route that does not have any steep hills to ascend, and a distance of 5-6 mi ( 8-10 km) is likely to be comfortable for your corgi. Go on a day not warmer than 70°F (21°C) and make sure to provide plenty of drinking water for your dog.