Are Shelties High Energy?


Shetland sheepdogs need plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation. They do great with active, outdoorsy pet parents. If not provided with opportunities to release energy and engage their minds, Shelties can become frustrated and bored. Running, hiking, and interacting are the activities that keep these dogs happy and prevent them from accumulating excess energy.

A Herding Dog Is An Active Dog

The diligent working farm dogs they are, Shelties like to stay busy. Being idle is not their idea of leisure, at the very least, and that is an important trait to keep in mind when inviting a Sheltie to join the household.

In their working past, these dogs herded livestock and guarded property. They were always vigilant, always doing their job. Shelties continue to be popular farm dogs but they have become some of the most desired companions and family pets, too. Because Shetland sheepdogs were bred to have all the qualities of excellent herding dogs, they continue to pass on their skills and talents to their offspring. So, a young and healthy Sheltie will likely be very high-energy.

High Intelligence As A Factor

Shetland sheepdogs are not going to be satisfied with just being physically active, they need plenty of mental stimulation due to their exceptionally high intelligence.

The 6th most intelligent breed, according to Stanley Coren, Shelties are among the geniuses of the canine world! They get bored easily. Provide them with new experiences, games, puzzles, and – your dog will be happy and well-behaved. Being so highly intelligent also means that these dogs respond very well to training, and that is another way to help them contain their energy level.

If you notice a sudden change in your pet’s activities and energy, consider the possibility of a health problem.

Do Shelties Calm Down As They Grow Older?

Shelties definitely settle down significantly by the time they turn about three years old. However, as long as they as healthy and well, dogs of this breed remain highly active and enthusiastic.

Shetland sheepdogs need more exercise than dogs of most other breeds.

Does The Dog’s Sex Matter?

Both male and female Shelties can be equally high-energy, so gender is not a factor. Age, however, is important, as could be expected.

Young healthy dogs are going to be highly energetic. Shelties tend to calm down significantly when they are six-seven years old but they continue enjoying a good hike and a lengthy walk, as long as they are in good health. Any health issues, especially cardiac problems or bad joints, will affect even a Sheltie’s energy level, regardless of the dog’s age.

Separation Anxiety

Both the high energy level and high intelligence, as well as unwavering loyalty to the owner, put Shetland sheepdogs at serious risk for separation anxiety.

Shelties are not an ideal breed for a household where the dog would need to be alone for long hours regularly. If you do need to leave your Sheltie alone occasionally, provide her with plenty of toys, dog puzzles, and regular exercise, especially before leaving the pet for the day.

How To Manage The Sheltie’s High Energy

Although there are ways to keep Shetland sheepdogs more reserved and well-behaved, it is important to realize that a degree of restlessness and vigilance is very normal for these dogs, given their breed. Most households find ways to adjust to their dog, just as most dogs do adapt to most households. The breed usually comes with some limitations, however. Although a high energy level is hardly a limitation: the dog and the owner just need to be the right match for each other.

To Help Your Shetland Sheepdog Be More Reserved:

  • Use their main asset – intelligence and responsiveness to training! As long as the dog has appropriate opportunities to exercise, proper training is excellent to help your Sheltie organize her behavior. Training controls anxiety and gives the pup structure and knowledge of how to behave in different situations. So, training also contributes to calmer behavior in many ways.
  • The dog needs to be well-socialized. Socialization minimized anxiety due to the presence of other people, pets, noises, and any other stimuli. Exposure decreases the novelty of any stimuli, so the dog stops overreacting.
  • A tired dog is a calmer and happier dog. Give your Sheltie plenty of opportunities to be physically active. Variety is great, too. Most Shetland sheepdogs enjoy running, hiking, games, and plain walking outdoors. Swimming is not every Sheltie’s favorite activity but some may enjoy aquatic games, too.
  • Mental stimulation is just as important as exercise for these bright canines. That is why Shelties like new experiences and anything that requires some thinking on their behalf. Dog puzzles and games are typically well-received by these pups!
  • Puzzles and toys for smart dogs are important. Outdoors, indoors, alone, or in the company of other animals or people – Shelties love toys as an option to keep busy.
  • If it is an option for your household, a pet community is a fabulous advantage for most dogs. It does get complicated at times, so it is an option that requires careful consideration. However many dogs do not suffer from as much anxiety and boredom, which means they behave calmer if they have other animal friends at home.


Shetland sheepdogs are, without a doubt, one of the most active breeds. Healthy and young, these dogs will be happiest when they have plenty of things to do and think about. Individual variation is important, and any particular Shetland sheepdog may be more or less active.

Training, proper socialization, and exercise are some of the best ways to minimize any behavioral problems associated with highly active pets, such as Shelties.

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