Border Collie Wins Agility Competition

Our half-border collie could not compete with the border collie starring in this video that was shared by TikTok user @allthinzdog!

Just look at the speed, focus, and determination of this phenomenal border collie! Her agility is stunning and the way she jumped into her pet parent’s arms at the end of the course is very moving.

Border Collie wins agility

Border collies are known for their exuberant energy and have a reputation for being somewhat hyperactive at a young age. Running, hiking, and swimming, if your herder does not mind water, are excellent ways to keep your pet active and busy. Agility training is certainly one of the best ways to train a dog of this breed. What an amazing way to keep your energetic pet happy and fit, and provide an opportunity for the dog to shine his or her competitive side!

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