Do Bettas Eat Other Fish?

Betta fish

Betta fish are carnivores, also known to be somewhat aggressive. If you consider keeping Bettas in a community aquarium, it is wise to consider their behavior around other species of small fish.

If Betta fish have sufficient nutrients in the wild or captivity, they do not eat other fish. Bettas do occasionally swallow ill or very small fish that fit into their mouths, but that can be unintentional. Bettas definitely can attack and nip the fins of other fish due to being territorial.

It is helpful to keep in mind what bettas eat in nature to predict how they might view other fish in their aquariums.

Do Bettas Eat Other Fish In the Wild?

Although Bettas, or Siamese fighting fish, are carnivores, smaller fish are not a part of their regular diet in their natural habitat in Southeast Asia.

Siamese fighting fish get the nutrients they need from the flesh and fiber of insects and crustaceans. The most common foods they consume include small shrimp and the larvae of mosquitos, bloodworms, and water fleas. Plant foods do not constitute a significant part of Bettas’ diet.

Provided that they have sufficient nutrition in nature or captivity, Bettas do not eat other fish at all, at least not for sustenance, unless one is swallowed inadvertently.


Interactions Between Pet Bettas And Smaller Fish

If you feed your Siamese fighting fish proper meat-based diets, the specimen is not likely to view its tankmates as food. Any incidents are more likely to be caused by the following:

  • swallowing a little tankmate unintentionally, without any consideration of what is being eaten
  • aggression and feeling defensive of territory and resources
  • ill and slow-moving community fish are at risk of becoming an easy target, even if your Betta is not preying on them

Aggressive And Territorial Behavior of Betta Fish

Siamese fighting fish could act as bullies due to an array of circumstances.

A defensive Betta might not swallow and eat other fish but attack it continuously and nip its fins and tail. Even if the victim fish is large, an aggressive Betta could eventually kill it by causing constant injury.

Certain conditions make bettas more likely to act aggressively, and we’ll discuss those in the following sections.


Inappropriate Combinations of Fish In The Tank

Siamese fighting fish, especially males, often prefer to live alone in a tank or they are very particular about their preferences for tankmates:

  • Two males should not be housed together.
  • Other aggressive species could also lead to fighting, even if the Betta is female
  • If the other fish in the tank have luxurious fins and tails, any Betta can be tempted to nip them

Passive fish that are not too small, such as Cory catfish, neon tetras, and guppies usually do well with female Bettas.

Suboptimal Conditions In the Aquarium

Any sudden change in the environment or regular conditions that are not ideal for your fish could lead to stress. Stress often triggers aggressive behaviors in fish, in Bettas in particular, since they are territorial even in normal conditions.

Do your best to make sure that the temperature, acidity, hardness, and bacterial composition in the aquarium are appropriate and stable for your fish.

If you keep Bettas with any other fish, you need to consider the needs and preferences of all species.


Having too many fish in a small space is a major stressor that could lead to poor dynamics among the fish in your aquarium.

Many fish owners are excited to add new inhabitants to their tanks and it is so easy to overdo it. So, please be patient: avoid overcrowding your aquarium.

Fish need space and places to retreat to for rest, as well as things and space to explore.

Having hideout spots should be one of the first interventions if you notice that your pet fish fight. Bettas in particular are known to be curious and bright, so they need items and space to explore.

If Betta attacks and nips a small enough fish, such as a guppy or tetra, yes, it could end up eating them out of feeling territorial.

Bettas And Sick Fish

This is not specific to Bettas: fish, in general, can eat other fish. Fish can eat specimens of their kind, too, especially those that are either dying or ill.

There could be very practical reasons for eating their own – their offspring or grown fish of their species.

Fish could be trying to prevent the spread of bacterial or viral infections by eliminating afflicted fellow fish. Fish that travel in schools might have to act this way to keep their entire group healthy.

This behavior persists in aquariums and it is not unusual for many species of fish, including Bettas, to consume a sick tankmate.

Why Do Pet Fish Nip Fins?

Usually, fish nip the fins and tails of others due to stress caused by something in their environment, often overcrowing or suboptimal water quality. One of the core factors of this behavior, however, is genetic: some kinds of fish, including popular danios, bettas, and tetras, are more likely to respond to stressors by nipping their tankmates’ fins.

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