Do Border Collies Do Well In Hot Weather?

border collie

Border collies are up for almost any adventure and they have remarkable stamina but do these dogs tolerate hot weather?

In general, border collies do well in either dry or humid hot weather. However, when the ambient air is warmer than about 85°F (30°C), even these heat-tolerant dogs become vulnerable to overheating. Old dogs, puppies, and animals with chronic or acute health conditions are at a higher risk for heatstroke.

It is important to keep in mind individual and general breed features.

Temperature Regulation In Dogs

The average body temperature of most dogs is 101.5 °F (38.5°C). Dogs can regulate their temperature to an extent but their physiological adaptations are limited.

The range of ambient temperatures at which dogs do not need to spend extra energy to maintain their warmth at baseline is called the thermoneutral zone (TNZ). The TNZ varies for different breeds.

The size of the dog, the length and quality of the fur, and the type of head and nose are all factors in the animal’s ability to self-regulate body temperature.

The thermoneutral zone for most breeds of dogs is 68-85°F (20-30°C), according to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University. If the air temperature is above the TNZ, the dog spends some energy regulating herself to keep the body temperature within the normal range. Overheating follows when the dog is no longer able to regulate.

Border Collie And Thermoregulation

Border collies generally tolerate days as warm as 85°F (30°C) very well, even if they are quite active. A day as warm as that is okay for a jog or a walk provided that your border collie has access to plenty of water. If you are taking your pet on a long hike, proceed with caution, because dogs can progress from mild hyperthermia to full heatstroke within a matter of minutes.

Dogs’ ability to sweat is insignificant because only their noses and paws can produce sweat. So, the only way for them to lower body temperature is to pant, which is not very effective and exhausting.

Individual Risk Factors

Some of the dog’s characteristics can affect its ability to self-regulate body temperature:

  • Old dogs and puppies are more susceptible to both hyperthermia and hypothermia
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory health problems are major risk factors for heatstroke
  • Overweight dogs are more vulnerable
  • Dehydration is a risk factor regardless of health status
  • Lack of acclimation is important because dogs can build some tolerance if they are regularly exposed to warm weather

High air humidity outdoors and poor air circulation indoors are the environmental risk factors that add to the risk of overheating.

Signs Of Dehydration

Dehydration is a risk factor for overheating and a dangerous condition on its own. These are the signs of dehydration in your dog:

  • Dry pale nose and mouth
  • Fast heart rate
  • Sunken eyes
  • The dog is not urinating
  • Decreased skin turgor, or elasticity

To check the elasticity of the dog’s skin, use the skin on his belly. Gently pinch and pull back a little bit of his skin. If it does not spring back to its place right away, the dog could be dehydrated.

Mild dehydration is easily corrected by adequate fluid intake and rest. If it is not corrected promptly, however, the dog could become unable to walk and drink water and deteriorate within minutes.

Signs Of Overheating

If any dog’s body temperature reaches 104° F (40° C), the pup is at risk of decompensating very rapidly, to cardiovascular shock, seizures, and even death.

These changes herald an impending heatstroke in dogs:

  • Heavy drooling
  • Heavy panting
  • Vomiting, diarrhea
  • Disorientation and poor balance
  • Purple gums
  • The dog feels hot to the touch, high body temperature

If Your Border Collie Overheated

Overheating is very dangerous to any dog. Border collies are hardy dogs but heatstroke affects them like any other dog. There are steps you should take immediately if you believe your pup is too hot:

  • Move the dog to a shaded area
  • Give it cool water
  • Do NOT give your dog ice or put ice on her body
  • Put cool wet towels all over your dog

If you can, take your pet to a veterinarian, especially if your pup is unable to drink water or walk independently. The dog might need intravenous hydration and nutrition, and those interventions can be promptly initiated at a veterinarian’s office.

How To Keep Your Border Collie Cool On A Hot Day

  • Brush your dog regularly to promote shedding of the undercoat but avoid shaving the fur. Trimming is fine, as long as the fur is not trimmed excessively, but it is not necessary.
  • Provide cool water: make sure your dog always has access to plenty of cool clean water. Keep several bowls of water in different areas of your home if needed. When your pet joins you for a walk or a hike, bring some water and a foldable water bottle to keep your furry companion hydrated.
  • Avoid walking on asphalt: walk your dog on grass or ground rather than asphalt. Asphalt trails get hot in the summer and increase the risk of overheating. In addition, the dog’s paws get burned from contact with a hot concrete surface. If the surface feels hot to the touch, then it is too hot for your border collie to walk on.
  • Protect the dog’s paws: you could put on some protective dog boots on your dog to prevent a burn or other injury to the paws. Most dogs do need some time to accept the idea of wearing booties, some dislike them even with practice.
    • Dog boots are the best physical barrier to shield the paws from any injury but non-toxic paw balm, or wax, is the next best option. Beeswax and paraffin are the core ingredients of paw butter products, designed to seal off the paw from damage.
    • Purified petroleum-based products are also safe to use on pet paws and could be a cheaper alternative to paw balm products, with similar protective value. The most commonly used products are Vaseline and Aquaphor. Aquaphor might be a superior option because it creates a barrier and moisturizes the paws at the same time.
  • Avoid the hottest part of the day: walk your pet in the morning or the evening if possible. Woods and forests are ideal for walks and hikes in the summer.
  • Provide rest, look for shade
  • Consider water activities: if it is an option, swimming in a lake is a fun way to cool down and exercise. Some border collies are not fond of water but even a water-averse dog could still enjoy being close to water to cool down. Most border collies learn to swim and enjoy water if properly introduced and trained early.
  • Purchase a cooling mat: if you don’t have an air conditioner indoors, consider getting a non-toxic cooling mat for your pet if your home gets too warm. Cooling mats are great for cars, too, when your pet joins you on a trip.
  • Invest in a good cooling vest: a cooling vest can be a good investment if you go on hikes with your dog or spend a lot of time outdoors in warm weather.
    • It is important to measure your dog’s chest circumference and use the size chart provided by the manufacturer because your dog won’t like a vest that does not fit well. Your pet should wear the vest at home for a little to get used to the way it feels.
  • Monitor your dog’s well-being: you know your pet better than anyone else and you are likely to notice subtle changes in your dog’s behavior.
    • Dogs often do not show signs of dehydration or exhaustion until they are ill. Dogs may be too preoccupied with a game or they want to impress the owner. For that reason, it is important to closely observe pets when temperatures are high, encourage them to drink water and rest, and get them away from the sun as needed.

Related questions:

Do Border Collies Like To Hike? Border collies are the quintessential hiking companions. As long as your dog is healthy and neither too old nor too young, it will enjoy a good hike and will keep up with you. Make sure your pup has plenty of water and start with easier trails to condition your border collie so it can build up stamina for harder hikes.

Do Border Collies Like Swimming? Some border collies enjoy aquatic playtime and swimming, although, being herding dogs, they never had to swim as a breed. Most border collies have to acquire a taste for water activities and some never grow to like water at all.

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