Should Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Be Kept In Pairs?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Cavaliers are known for their friendly personalities. These dogs love the company of people and other pets. Do Cavaliers do better if kept in pairs, given their high need for attention?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can be happy either as only pets or in the company of other Cavaliers. An advantage of having a couple of these dogs is that they will always keep each other company and may tolerate being left alone better than a solo Cavalier typically does.



Cavalier King Charles spaniels are often welcomed as therapy pets and family dogs in households with kids because of their gentle disposition and friendly personalities. These dogs are so people-oriented that they can be clingy and needy – they crave company and interaction.

They are not excessively energetic by any means but a young and healthy Cavalier does love a good playtime outdoors.

In other words, to stay happy and healthy, your dog will need plenty of love and attention from you and the family but having another Cavalier, or another pet can be a nice way to endow your dog with more attention.

Reduced Separation Anxiety

Cavaliers are deeply bonded with their owners and are fairly intelligent. Both of these traits contribute to the well-known issue of separation anxiety in Cavaliers.

Having a pet community at home is usually helpful to dogs who are prone to anxiety and behavioral problems when they are left alone at home. It does not have to be another dog of the same breed, it could be any friendly dog or cat. Having another Cavalier, however, usually makes the interactions between the pets more predictable, since Cavaliers tend to have distinctive breed characteristics.

Your dogs may still not be happy about being left alone at home but they are quite likely to keep each other entertained. They will tolerate a few hours without the owner much better than Cavalier King Charles spaniel would do alone.

More Fun For Everyone Involved

It is understood that two dogs play together and keep each other company but some novice owners don’t realize how much fun it is to live in a household with more than one pet!

We have two dogs and three cats, and, typically, one foster cat or dog at a time. The situations that arise from having more than one pet are delightful and comical at times. The regular interactions and the playtime are always fun for everyone.


For The Dog

Frankly, as far as any drawbacks for the dog, those are extremely unlikely.

Cavaliers are not usually jealous of each other for their owner’s attention. These dogs are more likely to have a “the more the merrier” attitude. So, your pet will probably fully appreciate the value of having a companion Cavalier or another family pet. The two animals will probably get along just fine, and the other animal is a Cavalier too, so the odds of it being a good match are exceptionally high.

For The Owner

As for you as the owner, having two pups of this breed can be challenging in some respects. The reason is the relatively high maintenance needs of Cavalier King Charles spaniels.

  • These pups do need some regular grooming, including visits to professional groomers if you like your dogs to have nice haircuts and so on. On the other hand, they do not shed much.
  • Cavaliers can be expensive to maintain, especially if your dog has some chronic health issues
  • These dogs’ need for affection and your time is at least moderate. Cavaliers are sweethearts to be around but they need your attention.

Related Questions:

Do Cavaliers Do Well With Cats? Friendly cats, or other dogs, are usually very compatible with Cavalier King Charles spaniels. If the animals grow up together, they are especially likely to get along beautifully. However, even if you introduce them as grown animals, your Cavalier will probably get used to the other pet, as long as the other pet does not see the Cavalier as prey.

Are Cavaliers King Charles Spaniels Prone To Separation Anxiety? Cavaliers are highly prone to separation anxiety. This breed is known for its strong bond with the owner, its people-oriented nature, and fairly high intelligence. Proper training, desensitization, and providing activities to occupy the dog when she is home alone are among the strategies to keep your pet’s separation anxiety in control.

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